WELCOME TRAVELERS OF THE HALLOW WOODS (November 1, 2024)— So, some witches eat children, which is unfortunate, but just a thing we must contend with. Now, look, I'm not making a case for or against, and I do try my best to stay neutral in the whole witches eating children debate. Not to say, of course, that I am pro-witches-eating-children, simply rather, I respect the right of witches to govern their own dietary habits. — Plus, I don't wish to be a toad, so there is also that.
But, just to humor the idea, let's say, for example, some children need and ought to be eaten. Now, this isn't necessary my opinion nor one I totally agree with but merely I only wish to point out that such may not be entirely without merit.
True, it would be difficult for most to determine which children should be left to their own folly and which should be stomached by witches. However, speaking personally, and not in any way to suggest some sense of moral superiority, but, in such a scenario, I feel I could be a keen judge on which children best to fricassee. Not, of course, to suggest that fricasseeing is the preferable method of cooking children, my goodness, no. For that is a point, I leave to the discretion of witches, as I do not pretend,