A good story is told by somebody—we don’t recollect who —of a couple of Yankees who chanced to be travelling at the South, and had run short of funds. Out of “ tin,” and out at the toes, they hit upon the following expedient to raise the rhino.
By hint of address they contrived to come it over the printer, and procured a quantity of hand bills. giving notice to the denizens of the town where they were stopping, that “a monster Guyuscutus,” of the genus “humm,” would be exhibited on the following day, at a certain place—admittance 25 cents, children half price.
A curtain was obtained, which was drawn across one end of the apartment where the show was to come off, and the time have arrived, one of the worthy pair performed, the part of door keeper and receiver-general, while his companion in sin was busy behind the screen (which was so arranged as to prevent discoveries) where he kept up an incessant and most unearthly moaning, while the company were entering and being seated.
The hour having at last arrived for the show to commence, the door-keeper left his post, and marching across the hall, which was crowded with men, women and children, he disappeared behind the curtain. Immediately after the exit a terrific howling barking, and chaffering commenced in the midst of which the clattering of chains and a heavy fall or two, were distinctly heard.