WELCOME TRAVELERS OF THE HALLOW WOODS (December 8, 2024)— Four inches. All I wanted was four inches. So, today is Sunday. This morning I attended church service, which I try to do if not only infrequently. Don't worry if you’re not religious. Trust me. This is no Sermon on the Mount. I got wobbly knees and can't climb that high anyway.
Now, there my family and I had strolled in casually dressed and fashionably late. Still, we managed to squeeze into one of the pews between one family and another. However, rather uncomfortably so, as a younger gentleman next to me elected to take up an entire person's worth of space by sitting a drawstring bag on the pew seemingly indifferent to me and my family's plight.
I get it. He might have other things on his mind, and personal space in this life was not the topic of today's sermon. The problems of this world will pass and so on and so forth. ... Still.
All I needed to be comfortable was four inches in his direction. And that's when a curious thought crossed my mind. This is my wife's church, not mine. She's Catholic. And old boy's gonna have to kneel at some point and when he does bap-diddly-smack goes the little gunny sack!