WELCOME TRAVELERS OF THE HALLOW WOODS (October 7, 2024)— It is true! I am not as one dead. In fact, you might even say I am sixteen and a score, which, in figuring, is not very antiquated at the least. However, if my age in any way tarnishes my creditably as a grizzly-bearded, sagacious and learned scholar of lumberwoods lore, well traveler, you are certainly free to imagine me in any guise you wish. Taking this a step further, feel at liberty to envision me as a gaunt, grey-haired wizard, frolicking porcupine with a tiny top hat or three possums stacked lengthwise in a trench coat. Such is inconsequential, so you might as well have fun with it. This is after all a very major point of Lumberwoods. Sure, herein you may learn a useful thing or two, quite by accident really, as such is not entirely unlike this museum's mission, but take the fun out of folklore and you wouldn't likely be perusing this site on your leisure time, now would you?
Certainly not! Folklore is fun (for the most part), though I should not go without mentioning that some folklore can be considerably more fun than others. No where do I feel this is more true than with the tall tale. Its wild mixture of fact, fiction, fancy, nonsense, exaggeration, &c. imbues it with a sense ripe for wonder and hilarity. It is undoubtedly incredulous but nonetheless infectious. It is likewise a highly adaptable genre. And, while some may argue that