Being shot in mistake for a chipmunk or some other animal is not the only peril which besets the hunter who ventures into the forests of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. While the voracious wolf and the ferocious panther no longer roam the wilds of that section, there are other beasts of prey which lurk in the fastnesses of the forests which are ready to pounce upon and destroy those human beings who trespass upon their natural preserves. These wild beasts have been known to scare even the boldest hunters from the woods and their presence in the mountains has deterred many amateur hunters from venturing far from the habitation of man in their search for game.
First is the dingmaul. This terrible beast, which is a cross between the catamount and a hyena, has his habitation in the Black Forest region. The “Old Hick” who frequents the peaceful village of Slate Run occasionally will tell the hunter all about this animal. Although few persons have seen the dingmaul his tracks have been discovered in the marshes in the vicinity of the pump station, and his unearthly screeches at night have been heard in the lumber camps at Freedom Road.“ The dingmaul lives in a cave and has been known to travel many miles in his search for birds and rabbits, although not objecting when hungry, to slay bears and deer.