Mr. William Miller, the well-known buisness man of this city, returned Friday from Searchy county. Mr. Miller tells a marvelous story of the discovery of a hitherto unknown monster near the town of Blanco, in Calf Creek township.
“For some time I have heard reports, more of less vague, of the presence of this animal in Searcy county,” said Mr. Miller, “but I placed no credence in the tales that were told. About two weeks ago I was called to Blanco on important buisness, and I determined to investigate the matter thoroughly while I was there.
“Immediately upon my arrival at Blanco I instituted inquiries and I was amazed to find that the people of the whole township, and of St. Joe and Richland townships, were in a fever of excitement over what they called the “gowrow,” which they described as a terrible animal which slaughtered cattle, horses, hogs, dogs and cats. The gowrow had terrorized the community for several months but though numerous attempts had been made to capture it all of them had proved unsuccessful. The animal would steal down from the mountains at night and commence his depredations. He would break into cowsheds and kill and devour the cows and calves. Several times he had been interrupted in his blood-thirsty work, but he always managed to escape, carrying one of his victims with him.