
It is admitted that with its superior supply of rare fish, Seattle would get most of the crowd in 1915 could these fish be placed on exhibition here.
As a farewell shot, we published the afare of the keyhole crab, a rare and valuable specimen not to be found at Dungeness.
“ Star Fish Editor: Since a true and ardent fisherman has extolled the virtues of the salvage sucker, I think it opportune to speak of the valuable ally that makes the salvage sucker’s work so successful. I refer to the keyhole crab (Pinchus Virginianus). For, without its help to pick the lock, how could the sucker salvage a wreck?
“The keyhole crab is spider-shaped and fits nicely into a watch-case; it has a pompadour-like thatch of hair; has an eye on the end of each leg; it walks with a ragging movement; it breathes through its ears.
“These crabs are easy to keep; eat only three keyholes a week of the long kind, or five of the round kind; will sleep overnight in a glass of water, like a set of false tenth.
“They are handy for a man who stays out late and forgets his key. All he need do is put the lock under water and the crab will do the rest.

“Your’s for an aquarium,