rudimentary. Seldom are spoken stories still spun, and to seek such a surviving storyteller is a significant struggle. Rather, the reason for this resource rests on readings of resolute and restless researchers.
My gratefulness, my gratitude, goes to the genuine geniuses, those garrulous and grey-haired guides, gone in grace and glory, who gifted the groundwork for generations. To the wonderful wordsmith of the whimsical, Walker D. Wyman, and the very veracious and vociferous Vance Randolph, a regular record-keeper of the remarkable, are my ready respect and recognition. The contributions of these captains of curiosity to this collection are crucial and considerable.
Consequently, it is in copying key characteristics from the created collections of Charles E. Brown, biographer of Bunyan, Brinstone Bill, Bluenose Brainerd, boasters, bears, birchbark, and bunkhouse boys to the bottom of the barrel, I boosted the blueprint for this book. Notwithstanding, in this notebook, naturally of nonfiction, my name is notably noted in its nomenclature. Nevertheless—
Let it not be lost, that its lengthy lore is lifted from the lessons left from lifetimes of learning. It was the lone litterateurs, listed, who longed to log the language of laborers, laughed in the loquaciousness of liars, and listen to the last of the long-lived lumberjacks for later lovers of legend and lore.
It is to their diligence and dedication that this dictionary is dully dedicated.