THREE-TAILED BAVALOROUS: A bygone bodacious bison boosting a binary and bedizened body. The back was bushy and bristly, becoming of a bear, but paradoxically the previous part was plumed paralleling a partridge. Continuing to the cranium, the creature was crowned with a considerable corkscrew cusp. Its terrestrial’s tail was tripodal and teaming with tactical tricks. One whip was wiry and whetted. It would wield this as a weapon while writhing with would-be warriors. Another was applied as any armchair is, absorbing the ampleness of the animal’s avoirdupois. The final was flat and flashy; furnished with feathers for forcing flies far from it. The splendid such-and-such sometimes sat on its spiraling sling in a solemn stance. Various vermin, as if vassals, verily ventured to visit the veritable varmint in veneration. They vexed at the variegation viewed in the victor’s vertebra of vibrant velvet. In time, this tail took to tantalizing its trustee with its textures and tints, and too tentatively did it tend to it. Eventually, the entity, ever so engrossed by examining this elaborate extension, enticed the entranced of its enemies to its end. Invariably, an invader intruded and, with impetus, impaled the inattentive idiot with its incisors invidiously. Ⓦ

SNEEZE-DUCK [MU]: A duck decisively devoid of duplicity in its devices dully designed for dashing and diving. The fowl features a first and final foot forcing it from finding its freedom from its permanent paddling path paralleling the perimeter of its pond prison. The ribboned rapscallion races repeatedly in rings ready to relinquish its riverside residence. Unsuccessful, the uncanny urchin is upended by an underhanded undertaker under the underbrush. The ultimate upshot is that an unfailing ultimatum is upped upon this utmost unsuspecting underdog.